Teeth intrusive effects of V-Bends mechanical system had been established in the literature for long time. But the limited  elasticity and partial loss of activation range upon full brackets tying, due to SS wire’s deformation; turned its clinical use quite onerous.

Whereas the V-bends in super elastic archwires allows their intrusive force system to apply the lightest most consistent forces and the 100% spring back range of those wires, in vertical direction without loss any of the activations upon tying without wire deformation. Using these combination creates the unprecedented efficiency in the intrusion of anterior and posterior segments that simplified correction of the severe deep bite malocclusions. This technique is formulated by combining the following elements:

  • The lightest most consistent forces delivered by NiTi archwires.
  • Ability of Bendistal Pliers to insert V-Bends that activate NiTi wires.
  • Teeth intrusion, to simplify correcting many orthodontic problems.

 1. Because bending the brittle NiTi wires has been impossible with traditional pliers for four decades. 2. Because only bending can activate  NiTi wires, and allows applying their lightest and most consistent forces in all planes on teeth. 3. Emergence of Bendistal and Omni Pliers which turned impossibility of bending those wires, possible. 4. These V-bends activate super elastic wires to intrude teeth that led to discovering new clinical applications. 5. Bendistal pliers wakens up the awareness to harnessing the neglected lightest and most consistent forces in vertical plane, after four decades. 6. Those bends  contributed to  simplify correcting many challenging orthodontic deformities i.,e severe overbites, crossbites, and classIII malocclusions.  

The optimal angle magnitude of the Bendistal Pliers V-shaped-jaws design enabled  inserting lasting V-Bends that defeats the brittleness and non-malleability of super elastic wires. The vertically oriented V-bends simplified intrusion of anterior and posterior teeth segments for deep bites and Class III correction; and the transverse step-in-out, midline bends that simplified expansion / constriction of teeth segments for crossbites corrections as well.


  1. Fast and simple: One intra oral pliers’s squeezes create V- bends that activate NiTi archwires.
  2. Convenient; using their light forces comforts patients and minimizes root resorption.
  3. The NiTi wire’s 100% spring back ability move teeth longest  distance, speeds up treatment by much fewer tying adjustments. 

Dr. Suhail A. Khouri, (The inventor of Bendistal Pliers), practiced this technique on his own patients over the last 25 years, and corrected most major orthodontic deformities with unprecedented high efficiency and simplicity, (supported with clinical data presented in many lectures and publications and in this web site bendistalplier.com


When the intra oral  V-Bend is placed on tied archwire, it is preferred to be behind the canines with its apex directed occlusally, an effective intrusive force system is created acting on both anterior and posterior teeth segments. The apically directed forces acting on, and in-line with incisor teeth, intrude the most distant teeth from the bend, while the closest teeth to the bend will extrude.The resulting forces intrude the anterior teeth and extrude canine and premolar teeth, so that the intrusion effects and side effects of those bends positively work together to disengage and open the anterior deep overbites, that facilitates correction of class III malocclusions. So the intrusion side effect on molar teeth buccal cusps has a positive clinical advantage which helps disengaging the locked-up maxillary buccal cusps that facilitates correcting Severe Over Bites, Class III malocclusions easily without surgery and Cross bites without expanders.  

On the other hand, there is an immanent side effect on posterior teeth segment wherein the most distant molars to the bend are intruded as well.The intrusion side effect on molar teeth has a positive clinical advantage which helps disengaging the locked-up buccal cusps that facilitates correcting Crossbites, Severe Over Bites, and Class III malocclusions easily without surgery and without expanders.

Activating super elastic wires with V-Bends empowers them to deliver their great force qualities that effectively and simply helped create safe and fast correction to the most onerous orthodontic problems.

biologically safe, light and consistent forces  in vertical planes, through a sound  equal and opposite force and moment systems.

Clinical utilization of V-Bends in the horizontal plane like midline bends and step-out / step-in bends can result in correction of cross bite without expanders.Refer to Lectures and Publications about all these corrections.